
Parents are naturally curious and nervous about meeting their newborn for the first time

Pure Joy is here to support parents each step of the way.  Same day visits or “sick visits” are essential as parents often have many concerns about what is “normal” and “not normal”. Regular visits are important too as they are meant to monitor growth and development. Pure Joy welcomes these visits as an opportunity to teach and help parents grow in their role. Parenting for the first time depends largely on garnering experience. Despite success in a career or profession, neither really completely prepares you for the challenges you will face as the parent of a newborn. That is where Pure Joy comes in. Dr. Palmer encourages, teaches and enables parents to feel like they “got this”. Questions are welcome always and expected as you navigate those first few months of life.  

Since newborns have relatively immature immune systems, regular vaccinations are extremely important to prevent significant illness. The vaccine schedule starts at two months of age.  Some parents have questions about vaccines and these are addressed in a compassionate manner by Dr. Palmer. Please make sure to fill out all necessary forms before your appointment.

Scheduling coming soon!